Safety & Wellness

Springfields Group has always promoted a child-centric learning environment. Coupled with this, the school's infrastructure and manpower-deployment policies focus on child safety. In a climate where parental concerns regarding their children's safety in school are uppermost, we share below the Statutory Guidelines on Safety of Children that have been in place in the school for several years now, and periodically upgraded.
General Safety and Security Measures on the Campus
- Security guards are deployed on the campus
- Lady support staff are posted on every floor of the school building with the Principal and floor incharges being on constant rounds of the campus
- During the short break, two teachers are placed on duty in each corridor. They are in charge of the safety of the children. Further, Student Council supervises student discipline during the breaks.
- Outdoor and indoor teachers are on duty during the short and long breaks in all open areas of the campus, to monitor the movement of the children.
- In the Pre-Primary section, only female teachers and support staff are employed
Safety at the Main Gate
- All visitors including parents entering the campus must enter their details in the visitors’ register at the main gate.
- A child is not allowed to leave the campus during school hours without a permission slip signed by the class teacher and Heads, a letter/ diary note / email are required from parents informing that their ward is leaving early on a specific date.
- With regard to students using their own Transport (OT), security staff checks the identification card and the pick-up card of the private car/auto drivers before permitting own Transport students to leave the campus.
- A separate register is maintained regarding who comes to pick up the own transport students who stay back for extra studies during exams.
Safety in School Buses
- Student safety is of utmost importance in the school bus:
- An attendance register is kept in the bus and teachers take attendance every morning and evening with the help of the attendant and senior children, on every route.
- No child is allowed to travel in a bus other than his/her own designated route, unless he/she has special permission to do so. We discourage any kind of change of routes as it tends to create unnecessary confusion.
- The bus attendant remains in the bus until the last student disembarks. No child is left unattended inside the bus with only the bus driver.
- In case of any emergency in the bus, the Driver or Attendant contacts the School Administrator/Transport Manager and immediate help is arranged from school.
- The bus drivers and attendants undergo regular training in school regarding their conduct and rules to be followed in the bus. They also receive training from outside agencies like EICHER that has the expertise in this field. School drivers and attendants also attend workshops on safety conducted by the respective area Police Departments.
Safety in and around Washrooms
- Only female support staff, under a female supervisor, are permitted to manage and maintain washrooms for students in the Senior and Primary blocks.
- There are separate washrooms for boys and girls.
Staff Training
- Springfields statutory guidelines adhere to the provision of the POCSO Act, 2012, to protect children from offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography. The Act has been read by all school staff to understand child-friendly mechanisms for reporting, recording of evidence and investigation. The following link to the Model Guidelines under Section 39 of the POCSO Act, 2012 ( will help you understand the details of the Act. We have it clearly mentioned the same in our code of conduct for teachers. Our entire staff is also aware of the provisions of this Act.
- Child safety encompasses all measures to prevent bullying (including cyber bullying), sexual abuse, use of drugs, smoking and other intoxicants, inappropriate texting, physical and emotional abuse. Senior children are explained that bullying amounts to ragging which is considered illegal.
Student Sensitization
- In the morning assembly, the heads periodically sensitize the students regarding their personal safety and security.
- The school heads hold regular counselling sessions with all sections to reinforce safety rules. The teachers and heads work hand-in-hand to administer information about good touch and bad touch to the students including pre-primary students.
HR Rules & Background Check
- Staff are employed after checking their background and previous employment details.
CCTV Cameras
- Almost every strategic point has CCTV cameras been installed to cover various areas in the campus and within academic blocks including outside the washrooms used by students and teachers, and are being monitored.
- CCTVs are installed inside the buses to ensure continued security of students while in transit.
School Safety Committee (SSC)
The school has a School Safety Committee (SSC), as mandated by the government. The School Principal, School Administrative manager, Teachers from the Pre-Primary, Primary, Middle and Senior sections as well as Parents along with student representatives -Head boy and Head girl are members of the SSC. The SSC meets at specific intervals to ensure that all the necessary guidelines are followed for the safety and security of the students and staff.
Advisory Regarding Safety In Transit And At Home
Mobile phone : Ensure that your child does not bring a mobile phone to the school
Driver Authorization Letter : Drivers who come to pickup students will be allowed only if they are able to show the authorisation letter by the parent which is stamped by the school. Security officials will not allow drivers to pick up students if they fail to show the stamped letter.
Returning with someone other than authorized person : Parents need to give a consent letter to the school if they want their child/children to be picked up by someone other than the authorised person with a valid ID.
Unscheduled bus halts : Parents need to counsel their children that they are not allowed to stop the school bus at unscheduled points and disembark at these points. Students will be dropped only at the drop points allocated to them. Any unscheduled stop will attract heavy penalties for the bus drivers and teachers in-charge (in the bus), and will be passed on to the parents.
Student ID Cards : Students should always wear their ID cards when in school, while travelling in school buses and while walking from the bus stop to home. Parents are requested to ensure that their kids do not leave home without the School ID cards.
One major concern is some parents drop the children before 8.00 am and pick the children at 5.00 pm. Parents are advised to drop the children by 8.15 am and pick at 1pm (Pre-Primary) / 3.30 pm (Class 1-10). Children can be taken care maximum till 4.00 pm. The school will be handling this aspect seriously only in the best interest of the child.
Avoid short-cuts : Advise your child to avoid taking short-cut routes from home to the bus stop (in the mornings) and from the bus stop to home (in the afternoons/evenings) as these routes could be deserted.
Know your child's daily routine : Be alert to any deviations from this routine. Communicate with your child after he/she returns from school, especially when you are not at home. Ask your child to inform you about any change in their schedule, especially if they are stepping out of home.
Permission : Your child must NOT GO anywhere or visit any person WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION and consent.
Setting boundaries : Set boundaries for your child--about places they may visit, people they may meet or things they may do.
Communicating when child steps out : Ask your child to call you once he/she reaches the destination or the person whom he/she is meant to visit.
Buddy system : Reinforce to your child the importance of the "buddy system"--of going to a place or someone's home with a trusted friend.
Saying NO : Reiterate to your child to trust his/her instincts about people and places--that they can say NO to friends or acquaintances if they don't feel right about doing something.